
Below, you’ll find my writing organized by publication type and year. For questions on any specific publication, and to obtain copies of any publication for your personal use, please message my office directly.

Peer-reviewed papers

contributed equally to this work *corresponding author


Jose L. Alejo†, Dylan Girodat†, Michael J. Hammerling, Jessica A. Willi, Michael C. Jewett, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala (2024) “Alternate conformational trajectories in protein synthesis” Under Revision at Nature Communications 📃Preprint

Jessica A. Willi, Ashty Karim, and Michael C. Jewett (2024) “Fluorescent minihelix assay for translation quantification in high-throughput cell-free systems” ACS Synthetic Biology 📃Link

Camila Kofman, Jessica A Willi, Ashty S. Karim, and Michael C. Jewett (2024) “Ribosome pool engineering for improved and robust cell-free systems” ACS Central Science 📃Link  🖼️Cover


Kanghun Lee†, Jessica A. Willi†, Namjin Cho, Inseon Kim, Michael C. Jewett, and Joongoo Lee (2023) "Cell-free Biosynthesis of Peptidomimetics” Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 📃Link

Camila Kofman, Andrew M Watkins, Do Soon Kim, Jessica A Willi, Alexandra C Wooldredge, Ashty S Karim, Rhiju Das, and Michael C Jewett (2022) “Computationally-guided design and selection of high performing ribosomal active site mutants” Nucleic Acids Research 📃Link

Michel Fasnacht, Stefano Gallo, Puneet Sharma, Maximilian Himmelstoß, Patrick A Limbach, Jessica Willi*, and Norbert Polacek (2022) “Dynamic 23S rRNA modification ho5C2501 benefits Escherichia coli under oxidative stress” Nucleic Acids Research 📃Link


Jessica Willi, Pascal Küpfer, Guillermo Fernandez, Damien Evéquoz, Assaf Katz, Christian Leumann, and Norbert Polacek (2018) “Oxidative stress damages rRNA inside the ribosome and differentially affects the catalytic center” Nucleic Acids Research 📃Link

Thomas Philipp Hoernes, Nina Clementi, Michael Andreas Juen, Xinying Shi, Klaus Faserl, Jessica Willi, Catherina Gasser, Christoph Kreutz, Simpson Joseph, Herbert Lindner, Alexander Hüttenhofer, and Matthias David Erlacher (2018) “Atomic mutagenesis of stop codon nucleotides reveals the chemical prerequisites for release factor-mediated peptide release”. PNAS 📃Link


Miriam Koch, Jessica Willi, Ugo Pradère, Jonathan Hall, and Norbert Polacek (2017) “Critical 23S rRNA interactions for macrolide-dependent ribosome stalling on the ErmCL nascent peptide chain”. Nucleic Acids Research 📃Link