
Dr. Willi is teaching three courses this coming academic year 2024/2025.

Please sign up for courses on the Bridge website

Fall 2024 office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1.00-2.00 pm

Introductory Biochemistry (BCHM 2000A)

Semester: Fall

Offered: 2024

CRN: 30156

Chemistry of biomolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.

Elements of Human Nutrition (BCHM 2300)

Semester: Winter

Offered: 2025

CRN: 11694

The science of human nutrition based on some elementary principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Nutritional requirements, the function and metabolism of nutrients and the practical means for achieving adequate nutrition are emphasized. The relationship among social and economic issues, nutrition, food production and distribution will be discussed.

Synthetic Biology (BCHM 4000B/5000B/7000B)

Semester: Winter

Offered: 2025

CRN: 11695

Synthetic biology an emerging field inspired by the diverse parts of the living world and puts them together in new ways to unlock functions not yet found in nature. Bringing an engineering-driven approach to biochemistry, we will explore the principles of synthetic biology, and how to apply them to arising challenges in medicine, biotechnology, and green chemistry.